Monthly Archives: June 2018

Key Benefits of Custom Software Development

I wouldn’t place any bets whether there is a single business in this country today not using some form of software to run their business. Is there anyone out there not using Microsoft / Mac office software and some form of webmail to run their business? If there are, I’ll buy you a steak dinner. So, is there ever a need to go beyond “off-the-shelf” software to run a business?

Web Application Development – The Next Decade

One of the running mantra’s in our WebStar offices today is “What’s possible today was not possible five years ago, and what was possible five years ago wasn’t possible twenty years ago”. How very true this is. Twenty-five years ago, there were very few web applications on the net. In fact, we were all mudding up the waters with HTML 1 (Don’t get me started). Back when the films like

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